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The Working From Home Isolation

Research Shows Working From Home Doesn’t Work! - Time 2030 With the shift in workplace over the last two years (yikes!) Time 2030 says replacing normal with temporary normal, isn't the answer. Aside from Time, I believe we can all agree that communications and connections are dwindling with the continuous use of mobile devices for conversation. This kind of communication is detrimental to the social well-being of our communities and relationships! While most of us can benefit from a few hours of alone time, the isolation that comes with a home office should be avoided.

But more damaging than the effects of working from home on individuals, is what it does to teams. Remote work often breaks the mechanisms that allow a team to work together creatively. Studies have found that the best creative work occurs when a team is in a state of flow, or focuses its collective attention on a single problem together, known as ‘team flow’. But remote work makes it harder to keep everyone engaged in solving that problem. In my study, many respondents said it was hard to gauge when a team member had zoned out during a Zoom call (Time 2030).

With this, also comes the elephant in the room, the impact on the economy. Nicknamed “The Great Resignation",” The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the annual quit rate was 25.5% in 2020 and millions of workers have resigned in 2021.

Spacr is here to support you and your business needs. We want to be a home base for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and professionals who work for a company that has resorted to remote work. Take a tour of Spacr and find out why so many people are fighting back against the home office isolation and joining a coworking space.

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